Diamond-Tip Microdermabrasion - $125 each or prepay $300 for 4 sessions
Microdermabrasion is a safe and beneficial way to treat any skin color, texture or condition. Microdermabrasion is a procedure that exfoliates and removes the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cells. It decreases scarring and improves the overall clarity of the skin. Patients with fine lines, uneven pigmentation or clogged pores may benefit most from a series of microdermabrasion treatments. Add a chemical peel to your microdermabrasion for a deeper exfoliation.
There is no downtime or recovery period following microdermabrasion.
After your treatments, your healthcare provider may recommend a special moisturizer or facial product to enhance and prolong your results.
What is Microdermabrasion?
Imagine a very fine sandblaster and you'll get a picture of how microdermabrasion works. It uses microparticles, or a diamond-tipped wand, to remove the epidermis (top layer) of your skin and stimulate new skin growth.
What should I expect after treatment?
Any discomfort experienced as part of microdermabrasion is usually short-lived. This can include redness and swelling, which should subside within a few hours. Later, you can expect the skin to be flaky and dry for several days.
Additional microdermabrasion risks include:
Bruising, which can occur from the suction and may last several days. Your skin will be more sensitive to sun exposure. Be sure to use sunscreen, especially immediately following a microdermabrasion session.